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Chakra Balance Sound Healing: Harmonizing Frequencies for Energy Alignment
  • Chakra Balance Sound Healing: Harmonizing Frequencies for Energy Alignment

    Ancient Way Healing Presents: Sound Healing for Total Chakra Balancing

    This sound treatment is a simple and effective treatment for balancing the Chakras. This audio has been designed to bring all Major and Minor chakras back into alignment for a balancing and grounding affect in the listener.

    The Chakras are the power stations which work to regulate all areas of our life, from psychological functions to maintaining the physical body and its internal organs.

    This treatment works to bring balance back and regulate the chakras. With the chakras being in balance the listener will come to a place where they can be grounded and gain more control over their life.

    This audio is perfect for everyone, whether its after a busy day at work, before an important meeting or just wanting that balance that this treatment bring.

    Listen to this audio as needed. This healing audio works best when played through speakers, headphones will weaken efficiency.

    Created by John Gray of Ancient Way Healing.
    Contributing Artist: Calm Tunes

    • Disclaimer

      This recorded sound healing treatment is not a replacement for professional medical help, for severe ailments please contact the relevant medical service. Ancient Way Healing accepts no liability or responsibility for the actions of our listeners/customers.

      If you are experiencing severe psychological distress please contact Lifeline on 13 11 11. Help is awaiting your call. God Bless.

    • Copyright

      This digital audio file is subject to copyright law, sold for individual use only. Do not reproduce without the express permission of Ancient Way Healing. Ā©2021 Ancient Way Healing. All rights reserved. Created by John Gray.


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