Our Services
Applicable for the treatment of specific, long-term chronic and acute ailments including but not limited to: respiratory diseases, arthritis, diabetes, endometriosis, spinal ailments of all kinds, parasites and infections, immune system disorders, digestive function, hormonal imbalances and pelvic disorders as well as mental and emotional health and much more...
Initial: $180.00
30-mins: $80.00
60-mins: $150.00
Concession: $120.00
Pets/Animals: $110.00
Relationship: $170.00
You will gain an in-depth understanding of energy and all the fundamentals of energy healing as well as the opportunity to go on a learn even more in-depth knowledge about the chakras, advanced color healing, and energetic techniques for powerful psychological and emotional healing.
Level 1: $297
(EARLY BIRD TIL 26.12.2024
- full price $397)
There are multiple factors contributing to the success and financial health of any business. This service effectively raises the energetic vibration of your business and its premises, eradicating any blockages and energies not in alignment with abundance and success. Particularly potent for businesses such as yoga studios, allied health providers, store-holders and spas or gyms.
60-mins: $180.00