Go straight to our booking portal or to speak to an experienced professional, contact us HERE: 0487 691 964
Opening Hours
Ancient Way Healing is open for business!
Appointments available Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm via Telehealth. Please Note: we are currently unable to accept in person clients as we are in the middle of relocating to NSW from Brisbane.
Bookings are essential.
If you require a treatment outside of regular hours please contact us directly for availability.
Phone: 0487 691 964
Email: ancientwayhealer@gmail.com
If you have any questions fill out the contact form an request a call back to hear from us within 2 business days.
If you would like to receive a call back to discuss how our services can support you please include your phone number and John will call you for a short chat within 24 to 48 hours.